Are we missing something as Catholics?

When we read scripture we read about a God who took flesh and became one of us. Who lived and slept and worked with us and who enjoyed our company. The question is: Is He still the same and can we have the same thing as his friends back in biblical times?

We see him reclining at table, calming storms and castigating Pharisees. He went from town to town, healing people, delivering them, sleeping rough, eating and drinking with whores and others who weren't living holy lives - and loving them. He had friends and relatives and likened anyone who hears the word of God and keeps it to immediate family. Are we still his family or have we somehow become disenfranchised over time?

We know he died for our sins and that he rose again and we also know that he spoke of a gift which the Father had promised. Jesus told them that within a few days of his ascension they would be baptised in the Holy Spirit. He'd discussed this with them previously and now he was instructing them to stay in Jerusalem and wait.

The Holy Spirit did indeed come, just as Jesus had foretold, and they were baptised in the Holy Spirit and filled with his presence.

It happened to them but is it for us too?

About this website

This website seeks to provide answers to the questions which many Catholics, as well as those considering the Universal Church as an option, may be asking. It's also for those belonging to other churches, congregations and assemblies who realise there's something missing and for those who have lost their way in the world.

It is a fact that many people are well off. They have a spouse, a family, a job/career, a car (or two), annual holidays and many external indications of success and happiness. Nevertheless, they're acutely aware of the fact that there's something amiss. They're not sure what it is but they become more aware of it as they go through life. It's like an itch they can't scratch. It is hoped that this website will scratch that itch.  It's a message of hope in a dark world.

It's about baptism in God the Holy Spirit, sin, spiritual warfare, the person of God and how to find genuine peace - a peace the world can't give. It is hoped that this website will help people develop a deeper understanding of God.

The fact is, Jesus is alive. He has risen. He is here for us.

The word was made flesh and dwelt among us. He has been here and lived as one of us and he is still here.

Jesus lived, died and rose again and yet somehow many of us feel distance between Him and us. We feel alienated from God. Why? Is it the church's fault? Are we not being taught? Is God to blame? Is He not taking care of us? How can we meet him? How can we somehow gain access to the Living God, His only begotten son and the Holy Spirit?

It's hoped that this publication will bring new hope to those who want more. The intention of this site is to break open the word of God so that He can be more easily accessed so we can start our relationship with Him or grow in an already established friendship.

As a starting point, let us consider Jesus at table with his disciples. They reclined with Mary's son whereas John reclined on Him.



John actually reclined on Jesus.

The excerpt below bears testimony to this.

Jesus was so approachable, so human and so loving that John rested on him. This Jesus is for us too. This is the same one who showed the full extent of His love. He is ours. He's our father, our brother and our best friend. He loves us.

He loves you.

What you'll find.

A deeper awareness and understanding of the eucharist

Jesus said "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. He is the bread of life and is available for you personally. 
The mass
  • He is risen


    Learn more

Ways to deepen your prayer life.

  • There are so many ways to pray. So many ways to speak to God. And so many ways to listen.
  • The breviary
  • The rosary
  • Scripture

Praying the rosary

Insights into the reality of Hell

The reality of Purgatory

Insights into the lives of the angels

The gifts of the Holy Spirit
Learn more
How to genuinely get closer to God and learn to trust Him.
Spiritual warfare

Controversial subjects such as the reality of Hell, evil spirits and Purgatory are addressed without reservation.

Church authority

Catholicism, papal infalability and church authority are under attack. Here is the reason to believe the Catholic church is the one true church.

Being a Catholic

The responsibility of responding to the calling of discipleship.


CDs on how to say the rosary are available.

        © Mrs Ann P Saunders 26/09/2018 – Current year: 2021. All rights reserved.

When God the Father sent Jesus, He sent him for you.

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