Church authority

Before a congregation of people can actually be called a church it has to have at its head a patriarchy, monarchy or a papacy.

If it doesn't have any of the above then it's an assembly, a fellowship, a congregation, a gathering, group, movement, community, sect or cult. But it's not a church.

In the case of the Catholic papacy, apostolic lineage can be traced back directly to Saint Peter.

It's similar for a church with a patriarch.  It's usually Orthodox churches (of which there are many) that have such a leader. If there is no lineage to one of the original apostles then the church has no validity.

In the case of the Church of England the monarch is its supreme governor and the next in line to the throne cannot ascend unless an Archbishop performs the enthronement ceremony.   

The Catholic church has authority over sin, marriage and scripture.

Many people are surprised by this claim but it was her who gave the world it's first bible.

Priestly authority over sin was granted when "Jesus breathed on the disciples saying "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone their sins, they are forgiven; if you withhold forgiveness, from anyone it is withheld" (John 20:23).

Church authority is based on John 20:23: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." What this translates to is that the church can sift evidence concerning marriage and decide whether a true union actually took place. If - after much examination - the canon lawyers decide that evidence points in the direction of an invalid marriage then they will take steps to annul it. This is in direct contrast to the Church of England which accepts that if a relationship has failed and the couple have divorced then in some cases it is acceptable to remarry. So the difference between the two churches is that the marriage is broked versus the marriage never took place.

Believe it or not, Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in Heaven because the church celebrates it at that time on earth.

For many Catholics, if we thought there was a greater truth outside of our church then that's where you'd find us. As it is, we understand Saint Michael the Archangel to be the Holy Father's Guardian angel. With him around we know that Jorge is in good hands which means that we have the best teaching.

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