The Trinity

The Trinity.

We know God is infinite, we know he is all-powerful, we also know that he loves each and every one of us with a love which cannot be matched or equalled. For it is written: "To whom will you liken Me or count Me equal? To whom will you compare Me, that we should be alike? "

There are three persons comprising the one God. There's the Father (who is unbegotten), Jesus (who is the sole begotten) and the Holy Spirit who is the bond of love between them. Although they are individual, they are one person.

The works of God are as follows:

God the Father created.

God the Son redeemed.

God the Holy spirit is the Paraclete (the counsellor) - the spirit of truth who leads us into the truth and tells us about Jesus. He is the sanctifier.

All the Father has belongs to Jesus. 

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is God. When the angels heard that God was going to take flesh and become one of us they could scarcely believe it.

How can one so great, so powerful become a man? How could the all powerful one possibly take flesh?

This the angels had to see. When Christ was born they were all there. They must have been amazed.

And Michael worshiped and wondered at how the All Powerful One, The Omnipotent One, could do this. 

God has a beautiful love for us and we are the apple of His eye. He has a jealous love for us but respects our free will. It's His gift to us and He treats us all with such respect. He is sovereign Lord, King of kings and Master of the Universe. It is true that He is indeed omnipotent and that he lives in unapproachable light. And yet He stoops down to us and befriends us. However, although an intimate relationship can grow with God, it must be remembered that He is majesty and that He is to be our judge. We must always remember that he is Almighty and He does not need us. However, he is generous. He created us and everything which we see.

Thus says the Lord: With heaven my throne and earth my footstool, what house could you build me, what place could you make for my rest? All of this was made by my hand and all this is mine – it is the Lord who speaks. But my eyes are drawn to the man of humbled and contrite spirit, who trembles at my word. - Isaiah 66:1-2

He is Almighty God and he is a friend but he's not our pal. He is papa and he is not to be taken for granted. But he's not our buddy. He is a good and just judge and seeks to reward us and thank us for the good we have done. He desires that we make free will choices for him because we want to serve him and make sacrifices for him.

He can take you beyond what you think is possible. He can take you beyond your wildest dreams.

He can never ever be limited.

God is Almighty 



He is Jehovah-jireh. The God who provides. 

He is the God who made provision for Abraham.  

He is El Shaddai  




Maker of all things

God has many names and attributes. He is the Almighty (Genesis 49:25), the Creator of heaven and earth (Genesis 14:19), Builder of everything (Hebrews 3:4), the King of Heaven (Daniel 4:37), God of all mankind (Jeremiah 32:27), and the Eternal King. (Jeremiah 10:10). He is the only God (Jude 1:25), the Eternal God (Genesis 21:33), the Everlasting God (Isaiah 40:28), and Maker of all things (Ecclesiastes 11:5). He is able to do more things than we can ask or even imagine (Ephesians 3:20). He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed and miracles which cannot be counted (Job 9:10). God’s power is unlimited. He can do anything He wants, whenever He wants (Psalm 115:3). He spoke the Universe into existence (Genesis 1:3). Furthermore, He answers to no one as to His plans and purposes: “All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: ‘What have you done?’" (Daniel 4:35). He has no counsellor (Isaiah 40:13) and heaven is his throne and earth his footstool (Isaiah 66:1).

He is God above all things.

He is without limitation.

And yet the all powerful one took human form. 

As I said earlier, the heavenly host were astonished that one so powerful was to take flesh. They worshiped around the manger and the Archangels prostrated themselves. Yet none of it would have been made possible unless the young Jewish girl had agreed to become the handmaid of the Lord – the spouse of the Holy Spirit.

Mankind was in darkness and then, through Mary, Jesus the light of the world came. Unlike us though, he was begotten – not made.

He is the only way, he is all truth and he is complete light. When Phillip asked him when he was going to show them the Father he was astounded and replied, "Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don't know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking me to show him to you?"

There's a portion of scripture where the guards come for Jesus in the Garden of Olives. They walk up to him and he says "Whom do you seek?"

They say, "Jesus the Nazarene".

He says, "I am he".

They fell to the ground.

Or put another way: they saw the majesty of God in Jesus and their knees gave way. They drew back and fell to the floor. They couldn't stand. This is Yahweh the God of Israel who had come in the flesh; this was the one who said 'I Am Who I Am'.

Just imagine what they saw. His gaze fell upon them and just one look was enough to render them powerless. Now imagine him living in you and looking at someone with those eyes. If you doubt this to be possible then read John 14:23.

What Jesus speak of is a tremendously powerful gift and comes with a huge amount of responsibility. It's a pearl of great price but ultimately that's Christianity. This is the Good News of the Kingdom of God that isn't being taught in the churches. This is the promise Satan wants you never to discover. This is one of the primary reasons this website has been published.

God is unlimited. He is beyond the beyond. He is unfathomable.

Belief in God is a choice and many people choose not to believe. One of the reasons is because creation is so great, so utterly impossible to fully comprehend and many people have concluded that one being simply could not possibly be powerful enough. They do not believe a single entity could be that intelligent and capable of creating black holes, planets ten or twenty times larger than Earth, fiery red suns, supernovas, love, chemistry, the laws of physics, biology, vast oceans, strange worlds made of ice and gases, distant other universes and time: how can one mind be capable of planning, never mind creating, all that we see? They do not believe it's within the capability of a God to bring order to his created realm and maintain it. How is it possible for such power to exist? It is the belief of some that we are on a journey which will lead to us discovering the truth concerning the origin of creation. They do not see/cannot see that this physical realm in all its violence, magnitude, science and enormity can possibly be the work of one omnipotent creator spirit capable of such strength, such almighty works, such brilliance and such utterly awesome power. People do not believe that God has the power to listen to all of his people. They limit God to someone who can't possibly exist.

The Pharisees were outraged that a humble Nazarene carpenter should consider himself equal to God. After all, God was all powerful and it was only Him who could work miracles and forgive sins. They were so perplexed as to why Jesus would consort with those of such low status or questionable morals such as tax collectors and prostitutes. Surely the Messiah, the Son of God, would come in radiance and splendour and sit with them at table - and not sinners. After all, does it not say that God lives in unapproachable light and that "the Lord will come in fire, and his chariots like the whirlwind, to render his anger in fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire?"

The Pharisees were indignant with Jesus because he healed on the Sabbath. Officials were so affronted that they even told the children of Abraham that they had six days on which to be healed and that they should come back and see Jesus during the week, not on the Sabbath. They thought Jesus was a blasphemer. After all, the name of God was something which at one point was so sacred that even correct pronunciation of it was lost because it was something so holy that it was regarded as sacrilege to speak it aloud. And yet here he was openly proclaiming to be the son of the Most High God. They then accused him of being in league with the Satan.

The fact was, Jesus's humility and teaching was beyond the understanding of the "upper crust" of Jewish society and they simply could not fathom why he chose to eat with those of ill repute.

"Why does your Rabbi chose to eat with those we know to live unholy lives" they asked. Jesus did not judge others. He didn't have a judgemental bone in his body.

Jesus healed because he was God. He forgave sins because he was God. He dealt with Satan during the temptation in the wilderness because he was God. He chose to give up his life on the cross at the appointed time because that was the only way he could die. And he rose from the dead because he was God. He is here now and standing in our midst because he is God

He is risen! Alleluia.

Some say that God is beyond the beyond. He even says it himself: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

And these are but the outer fringe of his works;
how faint the whisper we hear of him!
Who then can understand the thunder of his power?”

He says of himself: "With Heaven my throne and Earth my footstool, what house could you build for me".

It's Jesus who choses to whom he reveals the Father: "No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.”

The ways of the Lord.

God doesn't need angels in the same way he doesn't need us. In himself he is complete. He does not need buildings nor does he need animals. But he is generous and giving and enjoys bestowing the gift of life. He does it just for the pure joy. He doesn't need to do miracles but when he works one there is often some kind of contribution from human hands. In the case of the loaves and the fishes, these were brought forward for multiplication. At the wedding in Cana Jesus asked for the stone water jars to be filled with water before the contents were turned into wine. He made a paste from dirt and his own spit before applying it to the blind man's eyes. This is proof that God works collaboratively with materials and people.

It's the same in the book of Kings: the Man of God asked for a fire to be prepared and for a trench to be dug around it and filled with water before the sacrifice was consumed. None of the aforementioned was necessary. God can do anything in an instant; the Holy Trinity can do anything from a word. And without help from us or angels.

Nevertheless, God often chooses to involve mankind to make his ways known. Jesus didn't need to ask the disciples to cast their nets starboard on the sea of Tiberius that chilly morning. He could have summoned a wave to wash a whole shoal of fish on to the shore. But he didn't. God has his ways and he likes to work with both angels and people. 

Take, for example, Moses and the burning bush. God did not need his angel to appear in the flame. And he could have spoken to Moses directly and introduced himself as God. But he chose this particular way.

God does not need to give anyone any spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit does not need to take over our tongues to speak to God. Nor does God need anyone to lay hands on his or her neighbour to pray for wellness in order to heal them. But this is his way.

His ways are also reflected in his timing. Long waits are all part of who he is. Simeon had waited a long time, the Israelites had waited for the Messiah, Elizabeth had waited for a child, the apostles were told to wait for the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist's father had to wait until God untied his tongue. But we know that in the waiting their is much to be learned. In fact, the waiting is preparation for fruit to be born. Sometimes it's days, other times it's decades. But wait, we must.

If you are waiting or have been bound for a time then this is a great gift because it is a time of preparation to bear fruit. During the wait you will be taught, prepared, disciplined. Your ground will mulched and your roots fertilised.

It's to you whom Jesus referred when he told the parable of the man who owned the fig tree which had not produced fruit for 3 years. The keeper of the vineyard asked the owner to wait another year and during this time he would dig around it and fertilise it. God puts in his time with you in the same way.

This we know of God:

As you do not know the path of the wind,

or how the bones are formed in a mother’s womb,

so you cannot understand the work of God,

the Maker of all things (Ecclesiastes 11:5).

Therefore, do not try to. Just submit.

Jesus makes it clear when he says in the gospel of John that "The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

The question must for many though is: How do we live such a life? How can we live our lives in the wind and be in-tune with the will of God? The answer is in the book of Habakkuk which states that "the righteous will live by faith".

This means always seeking God's kingdom. As it is written: "Seek first the kingdom of God". We do this by living a righteous life, praying for our needs, unlearning worldly ways of self-reliance and self-governance whilst turning to God and trusting him. We must learn to become like little children. Because that is what we are. We are God's children and we must learn to serve the Trinity. We must hold nothing back from God and we must try and serve Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the price of our salvation.

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