
One of the differences between men and angels is that the angels can never become priests. Although they play their role during mass, they can never consecrate bread and wine. This is because this honour is reserved for those who are of flesh, because Jesus the High Priest was – and is – corporeal. Nevertheless, angels do possess a full and complete knowledge of the extent of all priestly learning. The priesthood is within them since they are united to Jesus (and his will) who is the High Priest. This means they have a definitive understanding of the mass because all the angels and Archangels witnessed the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension into glory of Jesus Christ. And this is the mass: the re-presentation of Calvary. Here we see Jesus’s broken body beheld by the Mediatrix who – as the prophet Simeon foretold – would have her heart pierced by a sword. The pain of seeing Jesus on the cross and how much sin hurt us and him is the sword of which he spoke.

The choirs of angels are also acutely aware of the role of Our Blessed Lady as mother of the redeemer. They understand the necessary Marion strategy with regard to the redemption of all peoples and are fully prepared to execute their role in our salvation. For emphasis: God does not do things on his own and always fully includes others. He could have chosen to wipe out the sins of the world with a thought but this is not his way. Mary and the angels were and are part of his extensive and elaborate plan. We must therefore look to this plan and align our thoughts with the fact that it’s not our job to do things on our own. We must work with our fellow Christians, with God, his angels - and the Blessed Virgin.

Catholic veneration of Mary:

It is a misconception that Saint Mary is worshipped by Catholics. Any misunderstanding comes from the fact that we venerate her as the holy mother of the Incarnate Word. We see her as the most blessed amongst women. We echo Gabriel's greeting when he said "

Hail, full of grace. Blessed are you amongst women.

The use of the salutation hail is of importance because it is one of reverence and respect. And he then calls her blessed. We don't know what Gabriel said word-for-word but we do know that he acknowledged her as one who walks with God: "The Lord is with you".

We honour Mary as the women who was most blessed. The one who was so full of divine grace that Gabriel - in his humility - went down on both knees

Elizabeth also indicates her deference and respect when she proclaims "Who am I that the mother of my Lord would grace me with her presence?"

We honour our Blessed Mother as it was her free will choice – born out of charity and love for God – which resulted in the incarnation. Without Mary Conceived Without Sin there would be no avenue for God to bring forth his son into the world. Up until this point, the whole of the heavenly realm had waited in eager anticipation for the Mother of God’s decision - and because of her generosity the angels are eternally grateful to their humble Queen - the one who gave them so much. Never forget, that Our Blessed Lord is loved by angels too.

Marian presence at exorcisms.

With reference to demonic possession, exorcist priests have been heard declaring that a soul is only delivered when Our Lady brings an exorcism to an end. She, along with the angels, is present at every solemn expulsion. She, who is full of grace, and who has given so much, by her coercive power has only to be present during spiritual warfare because what she has become by grace far surpasses all of the angels. This translates to the fact that if she wills it, demons have to leave. They cannot stand her and they hate the Rosary because of its power as a prayer and because it's the story of our salvation..

This is not conjecture, any Catholic who has fought spiritual battles where the Rosary was prayed can cite evidence of the aid of the Blessed Virgin. And, at the end of every period of conflict, she always gives the glory to Jesus.

Mary is the one clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.

To you Blessed Virgin, of whom the psalmist speaks when he says He wraps Himself in light as with a garment. You are were that light who shone on the child Jesus.  You are the one who (alongside Saint Joseph) guided Jesus and taugtht him. You are the one who is as majestic as the stars in procession. Mother of Mercy, pray for us.


The Mary who we honour and to whom we show our devotion is the one who was overcome with joy when Joseph pledged his love for her and the Christ-Child within her. Mary loved Joseph with such a rich love.

She who hungered so much for God and to do what was right, in her humility, gave thanks out loud to him for granting her the love of the man she was longed to marry. Spending the rest of her life with him was what she wanted. She trusted what Gabriel said, knowing full-well that God would honour her and provide. And he duly did. Glory to the Most High God.

Our Lady of Purgatory, keep us in your heart.

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