
We are not spirit, we are flesh and all suffer the ravages of the affects of original sin. Therefore, we are all imperfect beings who fall short of the glory of God. We all, at some point, have broken some of the commandments. Thankfully we have the sacrament of reconcilliation where Jesus is fully present - in the same way he was in scripture. Here we find repentant sinners weeping at his feet. They weep because of the love, sorrow and gratitude in their hearts.

In one example we see Jesus speaking to the woman of ill repute where he tells Simon the Pharisee that "Her sins, her many sins, must have been forgiven" (Luke 7:47).

But what of the people who have hardened their hearts to God? The ones who have yet to feel gratitude in their hearts or who have yet to profess Jesus as Lord? Does the Most High God lack generosity to them because of their stubborness or ignorance? I would hope that this will be answered further on.

Much has been written about Purgatory being a place of decontamination, repentance and healing. But above all it's Catholic belief that it's a place of ownership of wrongdoing to both God, fellow man and self - a place to understand the extent of wrongdoing, come out of denial and grow and become whole. It is a therapeutic environment where wounds are healed, sins are forgiven and truth is told.

Make no mistake though, it is not a 'second chance'. Jesus won our second chance on Calvary. None of us were worthy of his father's kingdom so he became sin for us and won us our inheritance. For many this starts in Purgatory which is a realm within God's Kingdom.

Purgatory comes from the word 'to purge' which means to cleanse and purify. To purify is to refine, to remove stain.

In the text below we see just one example of the ways of God when it comes to errant souls:

“Behold, I will refine them and test them, for what else can I do, because of my people?"

Clearly our God speaks of the people of this world but his word must not be constrained to this aspect of his kingdom. The above text is just one of a multitude which refer to purging and edification in this world and in the next. But we know that many people may not accept this as evidence and continue to believe that it cannot, or does not, exist. However, if this were true, it would mean that souls departing the earth would either go to Heaven or be consigned to Hell for all eternity. This is a bit black and white and if true, it would translate to the fact that a person who lived a disgraceful life and then repented on their deathbed would magically go straight to Heaven. This belief is not sound and does not correspond with what is actually written in scripture or the teachings of the church. There is no magic.

A biblical text often cited for evidence of Purgatory is as follows: 

 "And because he considered that they who had fallen asleep with godliness, had great grace laid up for them. It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." 2 Maccabees 12:45-46.

This text is explicit in stating that it is a good thing to pray for the dead so that they can be unbound and healed. If they are not free from sin then they cannot attain the fullness of a life with God. This heavenly Jerusalem is no place for those in bondage. It is therefore wise to exercise a belief in a reality which precedes the gates of the heavenly city. The church is prudent in her teaching of this.

The scriptural text below suggests that God will deal with knowledgeable sinners differently to those who possess a poor understanding of their crimes. The passage indicates that there are consequences to sinful behaviour but we know that there will be no real "beatings" in the next life. This is just a figarative term.

"That servant who knows his master’s will but does not get ready or follow his instructions will be beaten with many blows. But the one who unknowingly does things worthy of punishment will be beaten with few blows." 

We can therefore deduce from this passage that ignorance of the law does not nullify a sin. It is also indicative that learning takes place in the next life. We also know that God disciplines the sons he loves. Although not a punishing God, we understand that he is a jealous God (for my name is Jealous). Holy mother church teaches that God gives people the grace of repentance and that his mercy overflows. Purgatory is therefore God's love and mercy. As Mary is Mother of Mercy she is therefore mother to the souls in Purgatory.

This place of mercy exists in God's infinite kingdom purely to free souls from the bondage of unrepented sin, error, anger, hate, any other kind of bondage and to bring them into the truth. Outdated beliefs portray it as a lake of fire where souls suffer for their sins but we know this to be unrealistic as this depiction would render God to nothing more than a divine punisher who hurts the ones he loves. It just doesn't make sense because he is not a punitive deity. But - as the angels know all too well - he is a God of discipline and is very holy. And he disciplines the son he loves.

The scriptural passage below depicts a situation where many sinful and ignorant souls do not go to Hell but they do go to a place where there is peace but which is not heaven:

"They won’t feel the pain of torment.  To those who don’t know any better, it seems as if they have died. Their departure from this life was considered their misfortune. Their leaving us seemed to be their destruction, but in reality they are at peace."

For some souls, depending on which realm they inhabit in Purgatory, it may indeed feel like they are experiencing the torments of Hell.

The full text is: " But righteous people are protected by God and will never suffer torment. It is a foolish mistake to think that righteous people die and that their death is a terrible evil. They leave us, but it is not a disaster. In fact, the righteous are at peace. It might appear that they have suffered punishment, but they have the confident hope of immortality. Their sufferings were minor compared with the blessings they will receive. God has tested them, like gold in a furnace, and found them worthy to be with him. He has accepted them, just as he accepts the sacrifices which his worshipers burn on the altar."

When one begins to sift through scripture one realises that there are many references to the ways of God and how he treats us imperfect souls in the next life.

Jesus gives us one in the parable of the prodigal son where we see the heir of his father's estate living a life of debauchery and licentiousness before coming to his senses and returning back to his father. His journey starts with humility. He realises that going his own way has lead to nothing but pain, suffering and misery. On finding himself longing to eat the food of the pigs he's tending he comes to his senses and begins the long journey home. In his heart he repents. We know this because of his admission concerning his guilt when he says "I will get up and go back to my father and I will say "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; no longer am I worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants."   His sin was unforgiveable in Jewish culture but Jesus then gives us a great gift as he takes us to the next level where he reveals God the Father's love. In the parable we witness the father running to meet his son. The lad has come in the hope that he may serve and dutifully go about his father's business on the family estate - if the patriarch will have him. But the father (seeing him from a long way off) is already running to meet him because he wants to embrace him and re-establish him. He kisses him and calls for the best robe, a ring for his finger (very important to the Jews of that time) and sandals for his feet. His sins aren't called to mind and he is re-established in his filial relationship.

This is representative of the journey of atonement which many souls will make once they have departed this life. They can do this because they are no longer under Satan's influence and are given great graces in the next life. But for some who have little gratitude in their hearts, it is an arduous - and in their opinion - an ill deserved journey.

We know the journey is more difficult for some than it is for others because it is fair to say that it would be unjust of God to have serial killers and rapists inhabiting the same place as good souls who only need a little healing, a touch of forgiveness and a greater understanding of whom they are and who God is before they enter fully into His Kingdom. Therefore, there must be levels. It must at all times be born in mind that our God is very holy. In fact, we cannot conceive of the full extent of the holiness of our God. We can only ever grasp the concept of it. Scripture tells us that He lives in "unapproachable light". Very few are worthy of immediate access to God's kingdom. We know this because in Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus refers to the narrow gate as one which only a few find because it's small and one needs to live a life of discipline and undergo the hardships of the apostolic calling.

One needs a pure heart (Matt 5:8).

The role of heirarchy:

When we open our eyes we see that the life of man and angel is one of heirarchy i.e. levels. Heirarchy is how both angelic and human societies work. Everyone occupies a place in the heirarchy of life. Jesus speaks of it in Luke 14:8 when he mentions not taking places of honour. He also speaks of heirarchy in heaven in Matthew 5:19 when he refers to the least and the greatest in his kingdom. Even in herds of cows we find order where there is a leader. We must pay attention to this and take to heart the fact that there are indeed heirachies and ranking in this life as well as in the next. Purgatory is not exclusive and there are stations here too. As Jesus says: "My Father's house has many mansions".

The levels of Purgatory

The lowest level: Vanhedra: othwise known as Disgrace, the "Realm of the Dead" or "Valhalla: The Hall of the Fallen".

The name of the lowest level in Purgatory is called Vanhedra. It's Nordic in origin and means Disgrace/Dishonour/Foul. It can be translated to being "out of favour of one in a powerful or exalted position." This place is for those who have sinned gravely but who have repented in that moment where life passes into death.

We know from the book of Proverbs (11:2) that Vanhedra is the destination of the arrogant because "When pride comes, then comes disgrace."

Those who enter God's kingdom at the lowest level go to this place because of their anger and hatred (consciously on subconsciously) for God. Not only is Vanhedra spoken of in Proverbs, it's also mentioned by Isaiah.

“All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced." (41:11)

The word Vanhedra has a number of synonyms includng defile and desecrate. Clearly then, it is for those who who have lived unholy lives; for those who desecrated gifts which were given to them by God. Gifts which should've been valued and respected. Such as their bodies, marriage, pregnancy and other people's lives. This place is for the supremely selfish.

Although the souls here lived subversive lives, God is infinitely merciful and could not reject them/would not reject them because of their last minute repentance. After all, it was he who gave them this grace. Nevertheless, their state means they are unfit for the kingdom of Heaven so they are discharged without honour to this place of shame which reflects the impact of their actions and behaviour in life. 

You probably notice that "grace" makes up the most part of the word "disgrace". The dis prefix means “the opposite of”. Dis and grace put together simply means shame and dishonour. Think of dis-grace as a kind of fall from grace.

In Deuteronomy 30:15-20, God says: "See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws". The souls who go down to Vanhedra have lived lives that have lead to death  "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord".

Thankfully, these souls don't go through the second death. The first death is physical, the second a spiritual one which is reserved for those who have refused to repent. They are the ruined souls who are in Hades - sometimes referred to as Gehenna.

The souls in the lowest realm of Purgatory are in fact the least in God's kingdom.

"So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven."

These are reprehensible and disrespectful souls who were contemptuous in life. Often proud, they taught others by their example but have been shown great mercy. 

Vanhedra can best be described as derelict. Barred cell doors hang off their hinges, souls lie on dirt floors. To say it's minimal is an understatement. These souls have denied themselves the riches of God's kingdom.

The photo above represents the broken-down state of this place. The fact is, if this really was a photo of the lowest level of purgatory there'd be no bed and no window.

Imagine a toxic environment similar to this where it's hot, it stinks and you're surrounded by the ones who've lived their lives like God didn't exist but have scraped into his kingdom by the skin of their teeth and you're about half way to grasping the reality of this underworld. 

Psalm 30 is the song of the one whom did not descend into Hell and was eventually freed from the chains of Purgatory.

Psalm 30

I will exalt you, Lord,
    for you lifted me out of the depths
    and did not let my enemies gloat over me.


Lord my God, I called to you for help,
    and you healed me.


You, Lord, brought me up from the realm of the dead;
    you spared me from going down to the pit.


Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people;
    praise his holy name.


For his anger lasts only a moment,
    but his favour lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
    but rejoicing comes in the morning.

When I felt secure, I said,
    “I will never be shaken.”


Lord, when you favoured me,
    you made my royal mountain stand firm;
but when you hid your face,
    I was dismayed.

To you, Lord, I called;
    to the Lord I cried for mercy:


“What is gained if I am silenced,
    if I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise you?
    Will it proclaim your faithfulness?


Hear, Lord, and be merciful to me;

Lord, be my help.”

You turned my wailing into dancing;

you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,

that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.

Lord my God, I will praise you forever.

The second level: Critical Care.

For some souls, their grasp of reality is very poor. They are full of pride or heavily in denial.

These are the ones of whom scripture speaks when it says that "Sin spoke to these sinners and no fear of the Lord was found. Therefore there was no wisdom. "

God's grace and our prayers win higher places for souls in Purgatory. In admitting these individuals to this next level they are brought up from the dung heap (Psalm 113: 7). The sacrifice of our intercessions can help many attain this level. Our Lady is present in Vanhedra and she's also very much part of the workings of Critical Care.

In the case of psychopaths, the first stage is to get them to admit that they have urges to kill. Although it is a fact that this may not happen at this level because this admission does not come easy to many of them. Nevertheless, for some, the admission is a blessed relief.

In a way which can be likened to an intensive care high security psychiatric hospital they are assessed and treated. It takes time and empathy before they acknowledge at least some of their dark impulses because these desires have always been well guarded secrets throughout their earthly lives. Although a spartan environment, make no mistake, these hardened sinners will get the best care because they have the Blessed Virgin who really is a friend to all those in Purgatory. She offers her comfort and her empathy. Although these souls have tremendous cognitive deficits, they enjoy her uncondtional love and many begin to blossom in the presence of her genuine unconditional positive regard. 

It's difficult to imagine this as anything other than an intense environment. After all, there are few options. Although residents have a cell which affords them an amount of privacy as well as a place to sit or lie, there is nothing. No windows, no home comforts, no food, no hot or running water. It's a far cry from God's Heavenly Kingdom. Unlike on earth they cannot shift focus from where they are. The primary task of this place is to motivate souls to think, to reflect, to communicate. Many never developed this ability. In comparison to what many will have been used to in life there are no books, no TVs, no internet, nothing with which to write, no animals, no pictures on walls, no bathrooms, no flowers, no kitchens, no fires, no ornaments. Nothing to distract. It's just them and their therapy. But it is a step up. Here they tread a stone floors which are clean, it's not a shoddy place, the stone which forms the walls is perfectly dressed and laid in neat courses. Many may ask just how exactly this place came to be. But when one considers that angels are master builders then it becomes somewhat of a moot point.

Then there's the furniture: a bed, a desk and chair. This is pure luxury compared to from where they've just come. And no manacles or chains.

They are particularly grateful for Our Lady's visits. She is not there to judge or castigate them for their offences but to offer her support and the love of her Immaculate Heart. Although a stark place, they have both her, St Joseph and our Blessed Lord. Though not every resident will recognise them as such. Remember how Jesus hid his true nature from Mary who thought he was the gardener? And on the road to Emmaus, the disciples didn't recognise Jesus until he chose to reveal himself to them. You may find similar scenarios in this mansion in God's kingdom. Not every soul recognises Jesus. They did not recognise him in life, refused him and everything he offered whilst in the earthly kingdom and they went their own destructive ways. These people had sick minds in this world and they are still sick in Purgatory. They are simply not ready to join the general population.

Many have a shortfall of cognitive functions. Most are without empathy and have committed grave sins. There is no magic, no quick fix, they have to at least begin to work through their issues. Perhaps for the first time being confronted with what they have done. Some are in deep denial concerning the fact that they have lived a life with both feet in Satan's kingdom whilst pretending to be fine upstanding citizens.

Although no longer under the influence of Satan they still have ingrained and destructive thoughts.

Having spent time in the lowest level of Purgatory, coming to this place must be a blessed relief.  Jesus, Mary and Joseph know their job and are highly specialised. Just look at the way Jesus dealt with the sick, the infirm and the demon possessed whilst on earth. Mark 5:15 tells us about how the man who was possessed by a legion of demons was found "sitting clothed and in his right mind". This place is the first step to good mental health.

Although a place of ancient design, Critical Care is a citadel where the souls are given the type of treatment which will eventually lead to their complete wholeness. Otherwise known as holiness. Although painful for them, they are brought into some of the truth (John 8:32). They are given time to reflect in this tough but therapeutic environment where  Jesus, Mary and Joseph have been practising their same level of care for aeons.

They love unconditionally and are very capable of dealing with these disturbed individuals who chose not to shoulder the yoke of discipline when alive. Critical Care is a heavenly secure unit where these broken children of God eventually begin to receive the first stage of healing they've needed most of their lives. Many were once beautiful souls who had horrific experiences as children. They suffered relentless neglect, violence, sexual or physical assault, they suffered the opposite of the friendship and love which only good parents can give. Many will have had caregivers who are now in Hell. They will have been hated as children and grossly abused in many ways. In life they learnt to live in their minds and to pull the mask of sanity down very firmly. They then chose not to walk with God; did not see the value of God's gifts and rejected the commandments.

By choosing negativity and mortal sin they allowed their love of immorality to blind them. They chose to serve other Gods and were not courageous in faith.

They bring with them their psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism, their pain, their anger, hatred, jealousy and their sin - their brokenness. They bring with them their disordered lives. We know this because James says that "where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice." They begin to realise that they will only leave this place when they have shown at least some improvement and demonstrated a modicum of remorse and gratitude. It's here where they begin to learn that all the good things they received on earth were from God. They know that cooperation is required. Many realise they can no longer play games. They have as their motivation the fact that they have the mercy of God and yet many are still ungrateful.

There are no doors on their cells nor are their quarters named or numbered. Identification is by faded paint colour on doorframes. They are not free to roam around as they wish. Nor is it likely that they are allowed anyone in their rooms. When they are allowed out, it is believed that they are in silence.

This is their first lesson in obedience.

Nobody wants to stay at this level for decades. Still, there are worse places.   

One could take a relaxed view and regard them as the equivalent of naughty children. But that would be a mistake. These people are sexual predators, child killers, tormentors, molesters and highly immoral. Many will have set long term plans in place to reduce many to destitution or death. They hatched their plans in secret and designed elaborate schemes and strategies to bring down the ones they hated. Satan's scheming was only partly responsible as it was him who got behind them and whispered his lies into their open ears. He took delight in seeing his masterplan for the destruction of humanity brought forward by the very souls who should have served and bowed low before the Almighty One. But who chose their own evil designs and scoffed.

In life they were full of pride and did not make allowances for God. They rejected wisdom and so do not shine as brightly as the expanse of the heavens because they did not instruct in uprightness by the way they lived their lives.

In sum, the souls who come up from Vanhedra into Critical Care may initially think they’ve been upgraded to the purgatorial equivalent of a five star hotel. However, having enjoying a few carefree settling in days, they’re introduced to the regime where they realise this is a place of tough discipline. They have Mary who is a real friend to those interned. She is the one who is mother of all unconditional love and it is her love for the ones who have escaped damnation which makes this place bearable.

LEVEL 3: Incarceration. 

Once the soul has spent sufficient time in Critical Care they are then ready to move forward. The third level of purgatory begins with them having to come to terms with their sick crimes and how they affected their victims. They are told the truth about how they mentally, emotionally, financially and intellectually hurt others. They are also given insights into the long term affects of their abuse.

Imagine, if you will, a covered walkway made of masoned Bath stone (angels are master craftsmen and are excellent when it comes to dressing stone and building) and paved with slabs of well worn creamy natural stone. Part of the walkway is on a bend and as one follows the curve round to the left, one passes contiguous barred cells. Carry on round the corner and you'll see the walkway stretches as far as the eyes can see. Walk its full length and you will eventually reach a quayside. This walkway is the highway called the Way of Holiness of which Isaiah spoke. All of the cells have round vertical metal bars running from top to bottom with a central flat horizontal securing bar. The cells are rectangular with 3 walls and contain nothing but a bed. The layout of the cells means that their length runs parallel to the walkway. As the bars run from ground to ceiling there is no privacy.

Their accommodation resembles antiquated prison cages but this is not an unpleasant place because there is peace here. It’s much more relaxed than Critical Care and not subject to the same rigorous discipline. These interned souls still exhibit very challenging behaviour and their damaged ways of thinking still remain so they cannot converse with anyone except for the saints and Our Lady. She can be seen wearing her brown Carmelite habit. In this place Our Blessed Lady sometimes represents herself with purple gladioli. These she carries in a traditional gardening trug. These flowers are indicative of her integrity, honesty and faithfulness. Purple Gladioli themselves are representative of grace.

St Mary chooses to align herself with purple flowers because they convey her royalty, nobility and power. The purple also denotes her wisdom, dignity, devotion, sovereignty and her peace. It is also the colour of Advent - a period of preparation for the birth of Christ.

The three purple Advent candles all have their respective significances. 

Generally, purple symbolises repentance and fasting. The spiritual discipline of denying oneself food or some other pleasure is one of the ways Christians show their devotion to God and prepare their hearts for his arrival. Like the souls who are incarcerated in this area of Purgatory, we must also prepare to receive Our Blessed Lady in our lives and there is no better way than to reflect on her than when we meditate through the rosary.

Here we find Simeon who spoke of the sword which will one day pierce our Sovereign Queen's heart.

She saw the sins that these people committed whilst on earth and is very aware of their future ramifications. And yet she does not turn her back to them. She is the mother of forgiveness. She has to be because she is the mother of Our Lord who is forgiveness personified. We must ask ourselves just how much Jesus's mother influenced the way he taught and related to people. He was the perfect gentleman, we know that, so it follows that she must be the perfect lady. 

The words "you shall conceive and bear a child, and he shall be called Immanuel” were not spoken by Gabriel purely for the benefit of our Blessed Lady. They were humbly uttered by that Archangel for all of us. These souls in this Citadel of Purgatory are in preparation to eventually give birth to Christ who will one day be born in their hearts.

The following is a beautiful prayer to the Mother of Mercy (friend to the souls in Purgatory) and should be recited particularly during the Advent period.

May the Virgin Mary help us to open the doors of our hearts to Christ, Redeemer of man and of history; may she teach us to be humble, because God looks upon the lowly; may she enable us to grow in understanding the value of prayer, of inner silence, of listening to God’s Word; may she spur us to seek God’s will deeply and sincerely, even when this upsets our plans; may she encourage us while we wait for the Lord, sharing our time and energies with those in need. Mother of God, Virgin of expectation, grant that the God-who-comes will find us ready to receive the abundance of his mercy. May Mary Most Holy, “Woman of the Eucharist” and Virgin of Advent, prepare us all to joyfully welcome Christ’s coming and to celebrate worthily his sacramental presence in the mystery of the Eucharist.

As well as the Blessed Virgin, great saints such as Benedict can be seen traversing this walkway wearing his humble white habit and cowl.

Although a more illuminated and peaceful environment, it's clear that the souls here are not ready for integration. The barred cells suggest then, that their condition has not improved sufficiently to allow them to integrate. However, they can converse with the saints who minister in this place; those who - in life - attained exceptional degrees of holiness, virtue, courage and love of God. Saint Benedict of Nursia (480–547), as mentioned above, a strong minded crosier wielding Abbot, often called the founder of Western Christian monasticism, has much to teach these souls. He is mentioned in the Litany of the Saints and if you wish to pray for the souls in this level of Purgatory then he's the one to speak to.

As mentioned earlier, the need for rigorous routine has been dispensed with and there’s a much more relaxed attitude. Nevertheless, these souls are still interned in a prison-like environment. But there’s hope, there is actually light in this place because the occasional piece of green growth can be seen stretching itself skywards from the cracks and crevices of the uneven paving slabs.

In the company of some of history’s greatest - and most heroic - saints it means these souls can do nothing but be brought into the reality of what they have done and who they are.

These are the ones of whom Timothy speaks when he refers to those who are hypocritical liars, whose consciences are dead. Another translation speaks of their consciences being "seared with a hot iron". To have one's conscience damaged this way means they have no empathy, no pity, no remorse. 

Titus also speaks of those who "profess to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient, and unfit for any good deed".… i.e., they could never be used for spiritual warfare whilst on earth. Proverbs mentions those who are "pure in their own eyes but are filthy and unwashed." Many have "pretentious glances and haughty eyes": ergo, pride and delusions of grandeur.

They may also be incarcerated because "a false witness will not go unpunished and one who utters lies will not escape." We know they are people who strayed far from the truth and have said "we will lie to our heart's content. Our lips are our own—who can stop us?" It is a fact that "the Lord detests lying lips, haughtiness, murdering, plotting evil, eagerness to do wrong, a false witness, sowing discord among brothers." All this these people did on earth. They were the ones of whom God spoke when he said: “But those who brazenly violate the LORD’s will, whether native-born Israelites or foreigners, have blasphemed the LORD, and they must be cut off from the community".

God is true to his word.

Perhaps these souls are in Purgatory because they were the ones who were given charge over much in this life but, as with the worthless servant in Matthew 25:29, even what he had was taken away from him.

The differences between Critical Care and Incarceration are, in many respects, Poles apart. It seems odd that they should go from having a cell with an open door to sitting behind a wall of bars. But it could be the case that, having learned and grown in Critical Care, that they would be likely to make the ascent to pride. After all, they now form the ranks of the Heaven-bound souls, they cannot go to Hell, they've developed and matured (albeit a small amount) and might take their new found knowledge upon themselves.

In sum: in direct contrast to Critical Care, Incarceration is a much more relaxed place. No more tough routine, no call to discipline. They are free to attract the attention of the saints who minister on the walkway but these holy men and women may be in the process of making their way to minister to others so may not be immediately available. For the first time in their lives, these incarcerated souls discover they are not entitled. Nobody will come if they snap their fingers. They are not in control. In fact, they have no control. In life they may have been people who treated everyone like underlings but now they are no longer the feudal lords. They are the ones who must wait patiently for time with the saints and it’s the saints who decide how much time they spend ministering to each individual soul.

It's almost like they have to learn what they never learnt as children.

I have not mentioned God in the above text but be assured that he hasn’t abandoned these souls. For it is written: Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

In life they did not listen, now they have to.

There are many saints who walk on the road of this covered walkway. They are the redeemed of whom Isaiah spoke in 35:8. Here he states that "unclean will not travel on it and that no fools will stray onto it". Early on in this description I mentioned that there was green growth coming up from the cracks in the paving slabs. Isaiah confirms this when he says "In the haunt where jackals once lay, there will be grass".

The description of this aspect of purgatory is packed with symbolism which is scriptural. Saints, many saints, can be seen on the highway so it means that those in the heavenly kingdom do not sit idle. Jesus, Mary and Joseph all work and so do the saints. Although the residents of the heavenly kingdom are in a place of rest, they don't just sit around idly like Spirit filled blobs. They minister to those in Purgatory. But that's not to say those souls will find that ministry all that palatable. Especially if some of those saints were known to them on earth. 

God is present in the saints who minister to the interned souls of Incarceration: saints who are family, friends, acquaintances. Victims. When the reality of their actions and behaviour is revealed they suffer utter devastation. They must hit a point where they break. Men and women who have lived evil lives see first hand, through the eyes of the saints, just how the lives of their victims were hidden with Christ in God. They catch more than a glimpse of God's plan whilst seeing how imperfect they themselves are. This is difficult to digest and sends them into a state of deep shock where the ravages of the knowledge of their havoc result in tantrums and foot stamping. The extent of the knowledge of their calamitous lives builds up eventually hitting them like a thunderbolt resulting in a weakened state of fragility. They are inculcated by admonition and this has a powerful affect on them. "God will render to every man according to his deeds".

Once they are broken they are bound at their wrists by a leather cord and shipped off to their next destination.

Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her Glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. Amen.

The fourth level: The Mountainous Islands of Purgatory.

As mentioned before, Purgatory is a realm and part of it consists of a great sea containing many mountainous islands. The island climate is temperate with an abundance of vegetation.

Passage to this domain is naturally from the harbour port of (for lack of a better word) Incarceration. The 'prisoners' are bound at their wrists with long, thin, brown leather straps. The binding is intricate, thorough and ornate. Often with long faces, these offenders then embark one of the ships which sits berthed at the quayside. One of the captains was, in this life, a sailor who served on the convict ships during the period of transportation. In gratitude to God for His saving grace he now does what he does as a penance.

They are not good people who travel on these ships. They didn't die bad people and wake up as saints. They're still the same people whom they were on earth. Their sin ruined them and they bring with them all those grizzly traits. These are the children of desecration who if they were good and had repented fully and had subsequently changed then they wouldn't be in this position. They're the souls of whom Isaiah speaks in 41 v 11. “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced."

When souls arrive at one of these islands they are formally inducted and leather bindings are undone.

The islands are craggy and although picturesque they are no holiday destination.

On Earth, island penal colonies housed the most hardened thieves and murderers. Although places of exile, the prisoners were allowed to roam freely because there was little chance of escape. It is believed that it is the same on the Mountainous Islands.

The residents have to search out stone hovels and caves for accommodation. Some have doors, some just have open entrances. But none have glazed windows. Just an opening to allow in fresh air. The hovels are sufficiently ventilated to allow smoke from a fire to exit. It's a dirt floor and scooping a shallow pit allows for fires to provide warmth at night. It's likely that lighting a fire provides some psychological benefit too.

Although ocean views are plentiful, this place is designed to facilitate an eremitic life. The souls who live on these islands are ungrateful and have yet to appreciate what God in his goodness has done for them. They have yet to understand that all of the good things they enjoyed in life were from his hand and they do not fully comprehend that God is benevolent and has saved them.

Whoever they were in life, they are in death: still angry, jealous, hateful. The journey from the lowest level of Purgatory to these mountainous islands may take at least a year. And that's with prayer. And a stay may last for at least a year. This may give us some idea just how those who have personality disorders are resistant to the ways of God.

Remote, cut off and with no home comforts. There is one consolation and that is the ancient texts which can be found on the island. Not much is known about them bar the fact that they were written hundreds, if not thousands or years ago and that they are there to help the convicts examine their consciences.

Those interned here are the most dangerous offenders. Murderers, rapists, serial killers: hypocrites who chose to put morals aside to follow their own paths. The ones who killed were not just masked perpetrators who laid in wait down dark and dismal streets. They were predatorial friends of the family, co-workers, spouses and parents. And the people they unjustly harmed weren't just the victims of drive-by shootings. The ones responsible were superiors, neighbours, colleagues and fake friends who considered these acts in their hearts or carried them out physically. Some may even have been the ones sitting next to you in church or the priest saying mass. Many killed in non-violent ways. They criticised, tormented, abused and lied.

The souls on these islands are forlorn. They are truly wretched. Living in stone huts they are alone in denial with their sin.

For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night.

On earth, these basic huts would have been used to store tools. Now they're hovels for the ones who escaped damnation. Many have come from Incarceration with a depth of self-knowledge that has shaken them to their core. Here they have nothing. Whether they have a bed is unknown but at least they have some semblance of freedom. 

Almost living rough, these souls are lonely and feel abandoned. God says he pays back. Could it be for the times they have caused others to feel the same way, or to live the same way? When they could've helped, they chose not to and scoffed.

The Lord of the Universe says that vengeance belongs to him and that he renders judgement. He states that with what measure ye mete out, it shall be measured to you again.

When Jesus gave us the commandment to love one another he was trying to save us, from this.

It is true that it is indeed a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Many have heard the saying trial and error. This is very true on the islands as prisoner progress is monitored by magistrates who call those serving time to hearings to ascertain whether their stay on the island is proving fruitful. They are looking for evidence of repented sin, gratitude, generosity and remorse. A stay of a few months may start to build some in their hearts. If prisoners are still in error and remain ungrateful to God then their stay will naturally be extended.

There is every possibility that those who inhabit these convict colonies are prohibited from conversing with others because it is written in Isaiah 41: “Be silent before me, you islands!"

Too proud, too stubborn to repent and still vicious. They remain on the islands. Hearts still hard and very bitter. They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. (Ephesians 4:18)

These souls appear to have made little progress. They take no delight in working with God and have no interest in his redemptive plan. On earth God could not use them for spiritual warfare and things have not changed. If anyone wanted proof that the Lord is not a punishing God and that Purgatory is not a fiery pit then this is it. This place is for those who can't/won't and it truly is God's patience and mercy in action.

Purgatory is evidence that we are all children of God and that he loves us. This is the place to where the children who have yet to embrace God as their father go to grow up.

Their route to the truth is helped because of visits from good souls who spend time with them. However, it is not unheard of for some of these charitable and highly skilled individuals to be astonished at the fact that many of the souls on these islands are the least grateful.

What we do know about them is that they learned a great deal before embarking on their voyage to the mountainous islands. During their period of incarceration in the cells on the covered walkway they had visits from many of the souls who they'd hurt in life and rather like psychopath inmates who are taught empathy in secure units on earth, they try to use their knowledge as leverage. Instead of using their time on the islands to reflect about their lives on earth, they design strategies to enable them in further conflict. They simply just carry on living extremely selfish lives where they put themselves first. Put simply, you take a psychopath and put him in the next life with much more knowledge, much more agility and much more ability and the result is they’ll be much more dangerous.

Purgatory is here for a reason: It alleviates the necessity for human revenge. We know this because it is written that we must leave room for God's wrath. (Romans 12:19).

But what of those who still hold on to resentment and who do not let go of their worldliness? What of those who still feel wronged even though the master has forgiven them a debt that they could never repay? The description of the next level may help provide the answer. It is of those whom the gospel speaks in Matthew 18:22. Here we find a man who cannot ever repay what he owes the master and who falls on his knees. He has compassion shown to him but later we witness him haranguing someone who owed him a trifle. Once the master heard about this he had him thrown in gaol where the gaolers were to exact payment for all that he owed. 

The next level: God's wrath.

It's not actually known whether this is the fifth level or whether it's just another place. What is known though, is that this next stage makes a stay on one of the islands look like a summer camping trip.

The islands are spartan places for eremetic reflection. As mentioned previously, before the soul embarks on his or her journey to one of them they are interned in a holding cell built into a long covered walkway leading to a harbour-side. This is a place where light and peace reside and the voyage to one of the islands is on an open-deck convict ship. The whole experience is geared towards prayer, reflection and repentance. Nevertheless, there are souls who do not take advantage of this and when it becomes apparent that they do not wish to walk in the way of perfection - and that they have not forgiven from their hearts - then they are unceremoniously transferred here.

This next level I have called the Halls of the Insane and it makes it apparent that the lower levels of purgatory are maybe not as bad as many people would assume. They're not pleasant places because they're geared around rehabilitation; bringing souls healing through truth and into an awareness of what they've done and who they are. But should those souls remain adamant and therefore unrepentent then they are moved to this dark  place. There are no windows and it's not a place of peace. This is a proper gaol and people are locked up in cells because they prefer lies and deceitfulness.

Here the souls cry out. Bound at the wrists again they are given unpleasant barred cells with only a bench to lie on. The gaol is located deep in the underbelly of Purgatory. All that is known is that there are dark places in which the souls are interned. Here they come directly into contact with the anger of the Most High God. They cannot stand, their legs shake, they cry out "No, no no no." "I didn't know, I didn't know". God never wanted this for them but being clever and disagreeable on the island (like they were in this world) never does them favours. This is why pride in this life is so deadly. The Lord says "When pride comes, disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom." Just because someone dies does not mean that their pride dies with them. They have yet to discover the fruits of humility.

They must also learn that earthly wealth is useless in a prison like this. On earth many will have put this first - having shored up vast reserves for times of need or for the pure love of money. But God says "Riches are worthless in the day of wrath". Treasures of gold and silver are useless here. But if these souls had trusted God and stored up treasure in heaven (as Jesus ascribed) then they would not be enduring this (Matthew 6:20). The reality of Mark 10:25 is seen here. It is indeed easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. These are the ones who built bigger barns.

On the islands there are good souls who come from the heavenly kingdom to spend time with the convicts and who try to help them see the wrong they've done in this world and the far reaching consequences of their actions and behaviour. However, in this new level of Purgatory they must meet the anger of God face to face. Even at the thought of this, they fold; legs limp and carried down corridors with strong men supporting them at either side.

"No" is met with truth. Denial is met with the truth. Feelings are dealt with by facts. There are no excuses here. This is the time they must face up to their wrongdoing.

To say Almighty God is firm with these souls might even be an under-statement. But it's all in the name of imparting humility. I discipline the sons I love.

They will have to deal with the fact that they were exposed to the Word of God in life but chose to ignore it. Some will even have been regular church goers. A number of them will have had families, held down good jobs and enjoyed a social life. But they were far from being the fertile ground of which Jesus spoke in the parable of the sower. The seed of holy scripture fell on rocky ground. Talk of the love of God will have been dismissed. Underneath the lie, the façade, they allowed Satan to deceive them until they emulated his deceitfulness. In life they chose not to seek first the Kingdom of God. Here they must make a start.

It's believed that the souls who've been interned for some time are actually given work to do.

The church at work in the Kingdom: This place also provides further evidence that going to Heaven is not about floating about on fluffy clouds playing tranquil melodies on golden harps. As mentioned earlier, there are good souls here who's committment to these wrong-doers never wavers. This is the church in heaven at work. They are the helping souls; the charitable souls who worked hard on earth who now extend their charity to the souls in this place of torment. And yes, it is a place of suffering but the people who suffer this new reality put themselves in this mess. God is not guilty of imposing suffering on these souls. It really is their fault and for their own good.

Scripture refers to these stubborn, embittered, puffed up fools where it is written that "a rebuke goes deeper into one who has understanding than a hundred blows into a fool". To those who are wise, a rebuke is sufficient. But some souls in purgatory (as in life) are the most bone headed unreceptive and dense individuals one could ever meet. On earth many would have had status and good earning power but here their mouths for stripes calleth (Proverbs 18:6). Many knew the Christian way but chose to ignore it and follow their own path. These are the servants who knew what their master wanted but didn't prepare themselves or do what was required and are now receiving a severe beating (Luke 12:47).

Even those who knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. Put another way: ignorance of sin does not make it any less of a sin. But for the one who lacks understanding, greater mercy is shown.

This place is an indication of how seriously sin and pride impacts on our eternity. This is why God gave us the sacrament of reconcilliation. We must make a firm resolution to try and stay away from sin. But when we do, we must make our way to the confessional and receive forgiveness. There's no point in allowing unrepented sin in our lives. We must get rid of it immediately. God the Father is always there like a mother who wishes to gather her chicks (Luke 13.34). We are the chicks and we must never aim for purgatory: always the kingdom.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/words/Stripes

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/Luke/12/47

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/words/Stripes

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/Proverbs/17/10

Again, this is God's generousity. The Merciful One is not to blame. Of these people he speaks in Proverbs 11: the wicked fall by their own wickedness. These are the people who spent their lives weighing with dishonest scales. They are still toxic and it is of them that God speaks when he says 'leave room for God's wrath'. Everyone of us will have been hurt in some way as these people have forged their destructive paths. We must allow God to "repay" them (Romans 12:19).

Finally, after many visits from good souls from Heaven, these warped individuals slowly start to take stock of their situation and begin to admit the truth. Which is that sin spoke to these sinners but there was no fear of the Lord (psalm 36) - and thus, there was no wisdom either (Proverbs 9:10).

It's of them whom scripture speaks when God says: "Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good, and you will loathe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and your abominations." 

It's in this prison where souls begin to realise that they're actually casualties of spiritual warfare. Up until this point, many will have denied their guilt and protested their innocence vehementaly.

It's important, at this point, to stop and reflect on the parable of the sower. When Jesus got into the boat and spoke of the seed which fell on the path he was talking about the word of God which people hear but do not understand.

Listen carefully to him when he's talking about those who do not comprehend. To them the word of God is like a foreign language. Those who hear it are so entrenched in their beliefs, worldliness and their own desires that when the word of God is presented it simply does not penetrate. This is because the birds immediately devour it.

Imagine the scene: the farmer is sowing his seed, the birds are already in the air and are swooping down. The seed is never given a chance to germinate because the Evil One waits for the word to be sown and pounces. He lies and cheats it away from the children of God. So the gospel never takes root in these people's lives. Some of the signature reasons why this happens is lack of empathy, avarice, envy, jealousy, unrepented sin, lust, pride and covetousness.

This is one of the often overlooked 7 deadly sins. It's important to spend some time defining our understanding of it so that we understand that it is a really serious sin. Whether it's coveting somebody's spouse or their wealth or goods, it's deadly. This is because of the harm it causes. Covetousness really is a strong and active desire for what anothers have and it's very powerful. One sees this particularly clearly where money is involved and it's a real relationship destroyer. God simply gets replaced by idolatry.

The souls in this gaol are here for all of the above, and more. They still remain at enmity with God and before they can move forward anything untrue must be burnt away. All their lies, their false beliefs must be purged. Their crooked ways must be made straight. They come into the realisation that they have offended the Just One. This is a place of distillation where souls finally begin to see that their sin has had consequences - for them and for the ones they wronged.

Life for these people was always about making out that they had amazingly big secrets - like the room or office which nobody but them can enter. Lots of things are kept under lock and key. But the fact is, they don't have any secrets really.

What they do have is a litany of secret sinful acts. And nobody can know them. And yet many people on earth see them clearly and so many in heaven look down.

Their secrets are all they've got. They have to have them otherwise they're nothing. This is why denial is so powerful. Take the secrets and denial away from them and they're just very very mundane and less than ordinary people. But the fact is, they lived boring lives. They wasted them. They did bad things which they kept secret. And they think they're secret because they don't believe in God. What a horrific shock it is for them to come into reality.

Surprisingly, this level of Purgatory is where they confess their greatest sins. The sins that were never spoken of. This is confession time.

After about 3 months of good behaviour prisoners are rewarded with socialising. For the first time since their arrival in the realm of Purgatory they are allowed time to converse. Another thing is also known about these souls and that is that after about 6 months they are no longer to be found in earthly civilian clothes. Here they exchange them for robe. The also have a working garment. Canvas, stone-coloured, full length. Nothing is known about the work. Always bear in mind that Purgatory is a working environment.

Whatever the work, these souls must come to terms with the fact that they are known. There's no more hiding, no more lies, no more game playing. Scripture says that "there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known. What you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the housetops.". What this means is that all is known about the souls in this place. And all is known about us now. There are no secrets in heaven. Our Blessed Lady knows, our guardian angels know. All our sin is cast before God in this life and the next. The difference is that there is redemption here in this life and the souls in purgatory are reaping the benefits. Perhaps for the first time. There is none in Hell and Satan casts our sin before us day and night. There is no respit for those who go there. Their worm never dies.

If they haven't got to know themselves in this earthly life then this is a good place to start. Unfortunately, these are the people who - whilst they lived on earth - literally could not have cared less about anything other than their own immediate gratification. They were totally self-indulgent and still have very little gratitude in their hearts for the prayers of the faithful, or friends, which saved them. They care very little for God. 

There is little consolation for us here on earth who have prayed for them - except for the fact that we can now stick two fingers up to Satan because they're saved.

It's here that they begin to come into the truth. With the aid of those helping souls who are able to assist them to untangle the knots which bound them in life. Here they begin to make sense of why they thought and behaved in the ways they did. Nevertheless, there are some who remain unresponsive. desperate to hide who they really are. At some point, those who are highly skilled, must make a decision as to whether or not therapy should continue. There is no point in keeping a soul who does not want to change at this level. And so they are informed that there is the possibility of returning the the lowest level.

When meditating on this place, consider this: it is run like a proper gaol because it is a real place of imprisonment. There is a routine, there's social time, time to get out into the yard for a game of something or just to chat. At night there's always some noise being made somewhere: the clanking of a wrought iron door, the scream of an inmate, the mumbling of a repentant soul, cries of innocence.

There are new arrivals and those going on to other places. There is an element of the transient about it. But in their heart of hearts, deep down, they all know why they are there.


Those who commit suicide have their own domain. Again, this is an unpleasant place but nowhere near as odious as the lowest level of Purgatory. Here they can hear one another cry out; they lament the times when they could've praised God. But chose not to. 

It's only in that moment when life passes into death that they realise what they've done is wrong. By then it's too late.

It has been said that not even seeing the face of Jesus can make up for the pain one feels when one ends one's life this way and children are left behind.

What can be done for these souls?


The church is a good mother and sets aside November as the month in which it prays for the holy souls in Purgatory. 

During this month we have All Souls Day which is a holy day set aside for honouring the dead with masses and prayers. It always falls on November 2nd. 


Eternal rest, give unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.


If there's one thing the holy souls in Purgatory have it's hope because they know that one day they will be in Heaven. But it is true that it's a little known fact that Our Blessed Lady is a friend to those those souls. So ask her to intervene.

Here on earth we are the Church Militant. The souls in Heaven comprise the Church Triumphant whereas those in Purgatory are known as the Church Suffering. The Blessed Virgin is known as Mary, Mother of the Church. She is also referred to as Our Lady of Sorrows. It fits, therefore, that she is also Our Lady of Purgatory. Since the middle ages the Carmelite order has regarded her as having an intercessory association with the souls in Purgatory - specially those who have worn the brown scapula. The feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is on July 16th. There is a novena on the days running up to the feast which is an ideal time to request favours for interned souls.

Make no mistake, your petitions will be answered.

As already mentioned, Mary has a deep love for these because they have chosen her son and will one day be ranked with the elect who have earned their place in eternal sanctuary. We know that she suffers with them and it is her desire to bring all these souls into the love of her Immaculate Heart and share with them her devotion to Jesus

It is to her to whom we must turn when interceding for souls and there is no better way than to place them on the altar during mass and let Jesus offer them to the Father with his sacrifice. We can also include them in our Rosary as this is a very powerful prayer.

The pain they suffer in Purgatory is the truth. Ultimately though, it is this which will eventually set them free. In Purgatory the souls come to the painful realisation that it was Jesus living in others whom they hurt. "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do to me". Jesus is all truth but not one of those souls can come to the Father except through Him. They have a painful road to travel and it's one of their own making. Here they take repayment for their deeds on earth.

"Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I pay back like-for-like: Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."

We must stand with Mary. Should she ask of our prayers then we must be like the servants who are asked to fill the stone water jars. We must be obedient. "Do as he tells you". We cannot stand with her as a brother or sister if we do not pray for the souls in Purgatory.

Satan's demise and limitations:

It's the opinion expressed by a number of people that Satan can have an influence on the souls in Purgatory. There is no truth in this and it's not church teaching. It conflicts with scripture: "Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery". The souls in Purgatory are the redeemed. They inhabit God's Kingdom, from which the Evil One has been banished. Which means Satan has no permission to influence these souls. Never forget that he was ejected from God's kingdom. He fell like a bolt of lightening to Earth. In physical terms that's almost six times faster than a speeding bullet. He has been given permission to sift only the souls in this world. It's his intention to have us all disregard the first commandment to the point where we make ourselves unfit even for Purgatory.


Guaranteed to be controversial, indulgences are simply penetenial acts which the church recognises. Acts of penance should be familiar to us Catholics. We might say we're doing something as a penance which means we're recognising our sinful natures and seeking to come before Almighty God in humility having done something equivalent to fasting or sitting in the proverbial sack-cloth and ashes.

Holy mother church seeks to guide us in ways to offer these sacrifices of penance. For example, reading scripture for a certain period of time, going to Stations of the Cross, doing something with our guardian angels in mind, obtaining a Papal blessing over Christmas or Easter, going to mass on a particular day. All of these activities are things which we don't actually have to do and this constitutes a penance. Helping at a centre for the homeless, doing some other kind of voluntary work, cleaning the church or making a generous offering to church or charity are all things which are not required of us. Renewing one’s baptismal promises during the Easter Vigil or on the anniversary of one’s baptism will also put us in good standing. But we do these things  just because we can. It's an act of charity to God which benefits us spiritually such as sitting in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament for half an hour. But we only gain the indulgence if we do something intentionally.

It's basically seeing God's mercy extending to this life. He likes it when we offer small sacrifices for him such as taking our rest on Sunday when there's money to be earned at work.

This kind of behaviour helps us detach ourselves from sin and fosters an appreciation for the fact that God blesses us with many good things.

It's important not to get hung up on indulgences but they are indeed real and form part of the church's long tradition.

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